Are "Number of Days" Important in Soybean Producti…
Using NASS survey data and the rapid growth of weeds that can occur, the case is made for the importance of "number of days" in the production of soybeans in the Midsouth.
Cereal Rye Cover Crop for Pigweed Management
Results from an article about planting soybean into a "green" or live cereal rye cover crop are summarized.
Desiccant Use in Soybean Production
Results from research using soybean harvest aids are summarized.
Fungicide use in soybean production
Results from research that was conducted to evaluate the effect of fungicide-treated soybean seed and late-season application of foliar fungicide to soybean are summarized.
Drone Use in Agriculture
Links to articles with information about drone use for agricultural applications are provided.
Southern Cover Crops Council
A link to the Southern Cover Crops Council website and its pertinent contents is provided.
Items of Interest to Midsouth Soybean Producers
Links to articles that provide information about happenings that affect soybean producers in the midsouthern U.S. are provided.
New Herbicides and Application Rules for 2025
New herbicide products for soybean producers are briefly described.
Websites with Weed and Disease Information for Soybean Produ…
Links to and a brief summary of pertinent information on websites that pertain to weed and disease control issues in soybeans are provided.