BeanPACK & SOYMAP: Decision Support Tools for Soybeans

An article titled “BeanPACK (Agronomic Soybean Decision Support Tool) is LIVE” by Rachel Vann, NC State Extension Soybean Specialist, introduces BeanPACK [SoyBEAN Planting Analytics and Customized Knowledge], a decision support tool developed to help North Carolina soybean farmers choose the most appropriate planting date and maturity group [MG] based on the geographic region of North Carolina in which they farm. More information about this tool can be found here, and a webinar introducing BeanPACK can be accessed here.

As you can see from the linked materials above, this tool is for use by North Carolina soybean farmers. However, its development and release bring to mind SOYMAP, the same sort of tool that was developed several years ago to help Midsouth soybean farmers make decisions about planting date and maturity group choices based on latitude of their farming operation. Click here to access an article on this website that describes SOYMAP and provides links to information about how to use it.

Midsouth producers are encouraged to use SOYMAP to determine the best planting date and soybean MG based on the latitude of their operation. Once these decisions have been made, they can then determine the best variety to plant based on the attributes of varieties within an indicated MG.

Composed by Larry G. Heatherly, Nov. 2024,