Websites with Weed and Disease Information for Soybean Producers
One of my goals in posting articles on this website is to keep Midsouth soybean producers informed of websites that have useful information. Below are links to and information about two such sites of organizations that provide resources and information that deal with aspects of weed and disease management in soybeans.
GROW–Getting Rid of Weeds contains a complete body of knowledge about weed control and/or management through an Integrated Weed Management [IWM] approach. IWM includes cultural [e.g. crop rotation, cover crops], mechanical [e.g. tillage, harvest weed seed control (HWSC)], chemical [e.g. tank mixing of herbicides, using herbicides with multiple sites of action], and biological [using bacteria, fungi, or insects to target certain weed species] weed control/management tactics.
GROW 1) is a publicly-led network coordinating research and outreach, providing science-based information and decision support tools to make agriculture more sustainable, and 2) is a consortium of weed scientists and specialists who work to develop IWM solutions that are practical, economical, and adoptable by farmers. This site can be especially helpful to producers who are dealing with herbicide-resistant [HR] weeds and need access to information from people who are constantly working to manage these weeds. The information on GROW’s pages, plus links to other pertinent resources dealing with both HR and non-HR weeds, make this an authoritative source for all matters pertaining to weeds.
The GROW site also has a Weed Management Toolbox that contains a weed ID guide and management tactics that can be used against myriad HR weeds, plus blog articles written by GROW team members that deal with aspects of HR weed management. It is the one source that can provide information about any weed control issue faced by U.S. soybean producers.
CPN–Crop Protection Network is a product of U.S. Land Grant Universities that provides resources that soybean farmers can use to manage diseases that affect their crop. Of special interest are charts that show efficacy ratings of the various fungicides that can be applied to soybeans for seedling and foliar disease control. Click here to access publications on this site that deal with soybean disease and nematode pests. Click here to access a Soybean Disease Management White Paper that contains a detailed discussion of how diseases can affect a soybean crop, along with whether or not effective varietal resistance to a particular disease exists.
Producers are encouraged to bookmark these sites and check them often for new and/or updated information about weed and disease management in soybeans.
Composed by Larry G. Heatherly, Nov. 2024,